Machine safety doesn't need to be complicated. Safety solutions from Banner provide the highest levels of safety and are easy to implement & troubleshoot. Email not displaying correctly?
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Contents: Simplify Machine Safety | Troubleshooting Safety Systems | Safety on Small Machines | Explore
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Simplify Complex Safety Systems

Production equipment typically utilizes a range of different safety devices that all need to work together to protect workers from injury and safeguard machines.

From emergency stop devices to safety light curtains, switches, and scanners, machine safety systems can quickly become complex and difficult to manage.
Machine Safety on an Assembly Cell

Safety controllers from Banner simplify complex safety systems!

Safety control is a critical part of any safety system. Banner safety controllers:
safety light curtain size
  • Are more economical than a safety PLC
  • Provide more functionality than a safety relay module
  • Offer intuitive operation
  • Have the versatility to adapt to changing needs
Additionally, Banner safety controllers feature an icon-based, drag-and-drop user interface that reduces the learning curve, speeds up commissioning, and makes it easy to add, move, or remove devices to a configuration.

Learn how easy, intuitive safety control simplifies machine safety!

A safety controller is the backbone of any safety system, so it is an important element to get right.

A safety controller that is easy to use and implement can make a big difference in getting your safety system up and running quickly and effectively. Learn more about the features and capabilities you should look for in a safety controller. Get the Guide!

safety light curtain size


Get Actionable Data from Your Safety Systems

Did you know that the E-Stop buttons, safety switches, and other safety devices on your production equipment can help you avoid downtime?

Safety devices with In-Series Diagnostics (ISD) make it easy to access data that can be used to troubleshoot machine safety systems, prevent system faults, and reduce equipment downtime.

In-Series Diagnostics

See how In-Series Diagnostics can help you prevent potential problems & quickly correct issues that stop operations.


Advanced Safety Control for Smaller Machines

A manufacturer of electronic components uses semiautomatic tabletop assembly stations in the production of their products.

On smaller machines like these, single-function safety relays are often used as an interface between the safety devices and the machine.

Find out how a compact, cost-effective safety controller
simplified the system & enabled advanced capabilities!


Safety Solutions for All Applications

Safety Light Curtains

Adding Production Capacity

Safeguarding your equipment with Safety Light Curtains from Banner can help you free up valuable space on the production floor.
Machine Safety + Indication

Enhancing Safety Systems

LED strip lights that combine illumination and indication provide an unmistakable warning to staff as they approach protected areas.
SX5 safety scanners


Safeguarding Mobile Equipment

With 3 independent safety outputs, SX5 safety laser scanners can be used to dynamically reduce speed or stop motion based on distance to an object.
Have questions? We have Answers.

Talk to us about your application and our experts will help you find the right solution. Contact Us.
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Banner Engineering | 9714 10th Ave N | Minneapolis, MN 55441
United States of America | 1-888-3-SENSOR (736767)