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  • Dynamic Status Indication

    Clearly Communicate Advanced Statuses

    Indicator lights have long been the visual language of machines. However, traditional indicators are limited—typically offering 3-5 colors to represent a wide range of statuses. Sometimes this palette isn’t enough to capture the complexities of modern machines and processes.

    Programmable RGB indicators let you choose from a wider variety of colors and change them as needed. Many RGB indicators also come with pre-defined animations and advanced functions to expand indication possibilities and represent active machine statuses.

    Why All the Colors and Animations?

    Indicators and safety solutions on workstations
    Add Nuance to the Visual Language of Machines

    Get More Insight at a Glance


    Dynamic statuses are machine or process conditions that are often challenging to convey with a traditional solid color or flashing light.  Examples include machine warmup state, transitional states, takt time remaining, fill level, and more.

    Advanced indication requires a broader spectrum of color options. More colors allow each status or assembly step to have a unique indication from other steps, eliminating confusion and speeding up interpretation of the signals. 

    Additional colors and animations also communicate advanced states visually and intuitively for operators and supervisors alike.  They add nuance to the visual language of your machines, conveying more status information at a glance compared to traditional indicators.

    Keep reading to learn more about indication solutions for dynamic machine statuses, or contact us to discuss your specific application. 

    Example Applications

    Programmable touch buttons on a machine
    More Colors and Animations, Greater Possibilities

    Use Case: Machine Startup and Transition States

    • Many machines have a “warm-up” period after being turned on before the machine is ready to go. 
    • With traditional indication, an indicator light might be off when the machine is off and then turn green when the machine is turned on. This can be confusing to an operator if the light is green, but the machine is still warming up.
    • An indicator with a 2-color rotating animation mimics the “loading” icons used in PC environments and can indicate that the machine is working but not ready to start the next process. 
    • The animation can then turn to a solid light when the machine is ready to go. The operator then can easily identify the state of the machine. 
    • Operators can also spend warm-up time on other productive activities versus just waiting.
    K50 touch button used for takt time monitoring at an assembly station
    Clearer Visual Feedback for Assembly Processes

    Use Case: Takt Time Indication

    • Programmable LED touch buttons can be used to indicate takt time in assembly processes. This dynamic, visual feedback can help keep an assembler on track and aware of how much time has elapsed without having to look away from work.
    • Takt time is important to manufacturers because it represents the rate of production that is needed to match demand and maximize profits.
    • Sequence mode is included with IO-Link models and can be used as a timer. The bright LED lights are easy-to-see and installed directly in an assembler's sightlines for increased efficiency and less distraction from the task at hand.
    K50 touch button used for takt time monitoring at an assembly station
    TL50 tower light with IO-Link used to indicate fill level of a hopper
    Visualization of Dynamic Statuses From A Distance

    Use Case: Tank Level Monitoring

    • Operators, material handlers, and supervisors need to see the level of product in the hopper.  However, local displays are not visible throughout the factory.
    • The TL50 Pro tower light shows fill level through distinct, color-coded segments, and is visible from across the factory floor so operators can quickly respond to high or low-level alerts.
    • The IO-Link master directly converts the laser measurement into an easy to understand fill level based on user-defined thresholds.
    • Personnel can see the fill level status from a distance.  In the event of an alert, the staff can identify whether the level is too high or too low, so they are immediately prepared to respond to the situation.
    Featured Products

    K50 Pro indicator
    K50 Pro Series

    Programmable Multicolor Indicator

    这款可编程的 通用型指示灯带 50 mm 圆顶或平面视窗,能更加醒目、更为明亮地指示状态。

    • K50 Pro系列多色指示灯支持用户配置颜色、闪烁、调光和各种高级动画效果(如旋转、频闪、双色显示、双色旋转、双色闪烁和追光)。
    • 兼容 Pro Editor 的 型号支持用户在现场选择预定义颜色,无需 IO-Link 即可现场对设备编程。
    • 配备  IO-Link 通信功能的型号 可实现几乎无限的定制指示能力。
    • 少数标准化型号可在现场定制, 节省成本,降低库存要求
    • 配备坚固耐用的 IP66、IP67 和 IP69K 聚碳酸酯外壳 
    • 布线简单,易于安装,节省成本
    • 声音报警(可选)提供清晰、响亮的状态通知
    K50 Pro touch button
    K50 Pro Touch Series

    Programmable Multicolor Touch Button

    K50 Pro 触摸按钮将成熟的触控技术、坚固的特点与 RGB LED 的多功能性融为一体。

    • 明亮的 LED 指示灯与经由触摸激活的开关功能融于一体
    • 坚固的 IP67 和 IP69K 级结构,适用于高压冲洗环境
    • 采用人机工程学设计,操作时无需施力,减轻对手和手腕的应力
    • IO-Link 型号拥有由主设备动态管理的 Pro 完整版功能,并为全面定制状态提供单独的 LED 控制
    • IO-Link 型号包含序列模式,可用于指示级别和间隔时间等
    K50 Pro touch button
    TL50 Pro tower light

    TL50 Pro Series with IO-Link

    Programmable Tower Light

    多功能,独立的塔灯,通过将RGB LED提供的大量颜色选项与IO-Link通信提供的动态控制功能相结合,为用户提供几乎无限的自定义指示。

    • 坚固耐用、经济高效并且易于安装
    • 参数和过程数据选项可实现快速,完整的功能控制
    • IO-Link可以完全控制颜色,闪烁,旋转和光线强度,以及高级动画
    • 高可见性,一目了然的操作员指导和状态指示
    • 支持多达10个光段,可选择额外的声音段
    • 声音型号可提供标准,密封或全向声音段