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  • Remote Monitoring of Edge Devices


    What is Remote Monitoring?

    Collecting and analyzing data from sensors and other field devices, remote monitoring provides factories with insight and visibility into the performance of their machines, processes, and people. Even sensor data can be accessed in real time from any location, as well as logged for long term analysis.

    Keep reading to learn about how remote monitoring technologies are revolutionizing industrial automation, offering smart factories greater visibility into their operations, and enabling better, data-driven decisions.  

    Extend the Reach of Remote Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks


    Wireless sensor networks provide remote monitoring capabilities and allow manufacturers to increase overall process efficiency and productivity.

    By eliminating the wire limitations of conventional systems, wireless networking systems improve data logging, process monitoring and control, while maintaining high levels of security and integrity. Wireless sensor networks are especially advantageous where wired solutions are impractical, ineffective, or cost-prohibitive.

    While historically wireless systems were difficult to install and complicated to maintain over time, wireless technology has advanced significantly over the years. Today many remote monitoring solutions are available that offer a reliable wireless communication integrated into a single, inexpensive unit. These new wireless I/O devices are easy to install, and then uninstall and move to a new location as monitoring requirements change.

    Key Applications of Remote Monitoring

    QM30VT Series vibration and temperature sensor with CM Series node and current transformer
    Predictive Maintenance

    Predict Failures and Prevent Unplanned Downtime

    Remotely monitoring conditions like changes temperature and vibration enables predictive maintenance for machines. The benefits of predictive maintenance include: 

    • Avoiding machine failures by making maintenance decisions based on historical and real-time data from the machine itself.  
    • Enabling quick intervention to avoid downtime by monitoring time-sensitive conditions like changes in vibration, temperature, humidity, or tank level. 
    • Initiating real-time alerts to operators so that critical situations can be resolved quickly to avoid extended downtime, scrapped materials, or product recall.
    Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

    Track and Reduce Causes of Waste

    Remote monitoring provides a variety of benefits for facilities seeking to improve the overall efficiency of their operations.  For example:

    • Remote monitoring technologies provide data for OEE calculations.
    • Facilities can reduce waste and minimize its impact thanks to visibility into when and where inefficiencies occur.  
    • Access to logged data from sensors and indicator lights on machines enables users to track performance trends over time and identify steps for improvement. 
    Factory Communication and Process Optimization

    Streamline Call for Parts, Pickup, and More

    Remote monitoring technologies are also capable of improving the efficiency of manual assembly and production lines.  Some of the benefits of wireless factory notification systems include: 

    • Allowing managers to remotely monitor multiple lines and work more efficiently by reducing the amount of time spent checking in on lines unnecessarily. This enables managers to quickly respond to issues as they arise and focus their attention where it's needed most.
    • Increasing efficiency when managing and responding to call for parts, service, or pickup.  
    • Reducing the need for workers to leave their workstations and find a manager when they need assistance. 
    Brad R demonstrating the benefits of the Snap Signal product line to a group of spectators from Banner Engineering
    Snap Signal
    IIoT Made Easy
    Featured Products

    DXM Series

    Wireless Controller for IIoT Applications

    DXM 系列工业无线控制器旨在促进以太网连接和工业物联网 (IIoT) 应用。 

    • ISM电台可用900 MHz和2.4 GHz的本地网络
    • 将Modbus RTU转换成Modbus TCP/IP或Ethernet IP
    • 逻辑控制器可以使用动作规则和文本语言方式编程
    • 微型SD卡用于数据储存
    • 邮件和短信报警
    • 移动调制解调器,支持移动通信功能
    Cloud Data Services

    Software for IIoT Applications

    互联数据解决方案软件是基于Web的平台,允许用户访问,存储,保护和导出由邦纳的有线和无线传感器收集的关键数据。该软件可补充您的无线产品组合,并为客户提供完整的端到端 IIoT解决方案,以解决工业市场最紧迫的问题。

    • 借助分析和可视化工具,该软件可提供可操作的分析,使您能够在工厂车间解决真正的挑战。
    • 存储数据并分析一段时间内的趋势
    • 使用互联网连接设备随时随地远程访问数据。
    • 通过电子邮件或短信获取实时通知。
    QM30VT Series vibration and temperature sensor
    QM30VT Series

    Vibration and Temperature Sensor

    QM30VT系列传感器采用紧凑设计和坚固的金属结构,可减少共振干扰并增加表面接触,从而在测量RMS速度和温度时提供卓越的精度。它们 甚至能够检测到机器振动和温度的轻微升高,以便及早发现潜在问题。

    • 使用多跳Modbus无线电台或有线节点将性能数据传递到DXM系列无线控制器或网关
    • 检测电动机,风扇,泵和任何旋转运动或振动的机器上的潜在问题
    • 超紧凑设计可轻松安装在狭小空间
    • 提供带有316L不锈钢外壳或重载铝外壳的型号
    • CDS解决方案软件和 振动温度无线解决方案套件完全兼容