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  • Precision Measurement

    LM precision measurement sensor inspects IC chips seated in nests

    Solve Applications with the Tightest Tolerances

    Precise measurement applications can be some of the most challenging to solve. Extremely tight tolerance requirements demand a reliable solution that can measure parts in micrometers to detect the smallest variations in part size, thickness, orientation, placement, and more.

    Ensuring parts meet strict quality standards can help reduce problems downstream and reduce the risk of product recall due to imperfect parts.

    Challenges of Precision Measurement

    Q4X laser measurement sensors inspect a metal bracket
    Real World Conditions

    Real world conditions—including variations in target color and reflectivity, fluctuations in ambient temperature, and vibration from improper mounting—can make precise measurement challenging, even for laser sensors that perform reliably in perfect laboratory conditions.

    Even seemingly insignificant details, like pushing buttons on the sensor, can negatively impact the device's precision. 

    Therefore, it is important to understand the factors that can impact measurement precision in order to identify a solution that can overcome these challenges.

    Keep reading to learn several key considerations to help you find the right sensor for your most precise measurement applications, or contact us to discuss your application with an expert.

    Considerations for Choosing Precision Measurement Sensor

    Q4X sensors detect small washers in an engine block
    Start with the Specifications

    WHY resolution isn't everything

    For precise applications, measurement in micrometers is essential. However, while resolution is very important for precise applications, resolution specifications only represent a sensor’s performance in “best case” conditions.

    Because of this, resolution specifications often do not provide a complete picture of a sensor’s capabilities in the real world and sometimes overstate sensor performance. 

    Therefore, it is important to consider the resolution specification in combination with other indicators of the sensor’scapabilities.

    In discrete sensing applications, it is also important to consider the sensor’s repeatability (how reliably the sensor can repeat the same measurement in the same conditions) and the minimum object separation (the minimum distance a target must be from the background to be reliably detected).

    For analog applications, it is important to consider both the sensor’s resolution and its linearity (how closely the analog output approximates a straight line across the measuring range) to ensure a reliable output across the full range of the sensor.

    When combined with resolution, these additional specifications provide a more complete picture of sensor performance in the real world.

    LM precision measurement sensor measures crankshaft runout
    Understand Real World Challenges to Precision

    Real World Targets and Temperature Fluctuation

    Real world targets are often difficult to measure consistently. Depending on the industry and application, objects may be very dark (low reflectivity), glossy (high reflectivity), or contain multiple color transitions—all of which can significantly impact measurement reliability.

    To mitigate this issue, some laser measurement sensors like the LM Series feature automatic gain adjustment, which means the sensor dynamically reduces or increases its power based on the reflectivity of the target. This ensures targets of varying colors and reflectivity are all measured reliably.

    Precision measurement can also be greatly affected by changes in ambient temperature. For some sensors, temperature fluctuations of even a few degrees up or down throughout the day can cause the sensor’s measurement error to double, eliminating any benefit of a precision sensor. Therefore, it is essential to choose a sensor with high thermal stability for reliable measurement regardless of the surrounding temperatures.

    LM precision measurement sensor measures crankshaft runout
    LM precision measurement sensor monitors cardboard thickness
    Choose the Right Configuration and Mounting

    Remote Configuration & Monitoring for Precision

    Finally, choosing the right configuration and mounting options can help ensure the precision of a sensor.

    Mounting stability is crucial for a precision measurement sensor. Even with the best specifications, if a precision sensor isn’t mounted securely, measurements will not be reliable. To reduce the risk of measurement error, ensure that the sensor can be securely fastened to the mounting fixture and kept away from excessive vibration.

    Remote configuration and monitoring options, via IO-Link or Banner's RSD1 remote sensor display, enable the sensor to be configured without pushing buttons directly on the device. This reduces the risk of button movement interfering with the sensor's precision. 

    Remote configuration and monitoring options also enable users to gather health and performance data from the sensor, which allows manufacturers to predict maintenance requirements and make data-driven decisions.   

    Featured Products

    LM Series Precision Measurement Sensor
    LM Series

    Precision Measurement Sensor

    LM 系列精密测量传感器为用户带来了直观体验,设备尺寸紧凑,提供一流的性能和稳定性。

    • 分辨率为0.002-0.004 mm的精确测量
    • 快速0.5 ms响应速度和0.25 ms采样率
    • 紧凑的外壳设计适合狭小空间
    • 一流的热稳定性和机械稳定性 
    • IP67和316级不锈钢,具有化学兼容性
    • 可选远程传感器控制器显示(RSD),用于远程监视和设置
    • 在一个型号中支持离散量和模拟量输出,并通过IO-Link®支持工业4.0 / IIoT
    Q4X Series Laser Measurement Sensor
    Q4X Series

    Problem-Solving Laser Measurement Sensor


    • 开关量,模拟量(0-10 V或4-20 mA),透明物体检测,可提供IO-Link型号
    • 可靠的检测范围,近至25毫米,远至610毫米
    • 根据距离检测各种各样的目标颜色、材质和表面
    • 双示教模式(强度+距离),是防错应用的理想选择,可实现透明物体检测,无需反射板
    • 坚固耐用的FDA级不锈钢外壳,防护等级达IP69K
    Q4X Series Laser Measurement Sensor
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