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  • Work In Process (WIP) Tracking

    paper towels on a packaging machine

    From Raw Material to Finished Product

    Work in Process (WIP) tracking refers to tracking each item in production throughout the entire manufacturing process to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and traceability. 

    In many facilities, WIP tracking is still completed by hand, using spreadsheets and manual data entry; however, automated WIP tracking not only saves times and reduces errors, but it also provides real-time visibility into the flow of materials throughout production.

    The foundation for automated WIP tracking is reliable barcode reading.  Keep reading to learn about code reading solutions for WIP tracking or contact us to discuss your specific application. 

    Benefits of Work in Process (WIP) Tracking

    code reading in a robotic work cell
    Increase Efficiency and Profitability

    Visibility into Every Step of the Process

    Tracking items from raw materials to finished products provides a wide variety of benefits including enabling manufacturers to:

    • Know the location and status of customer orders during production to ensure on-time shipment and delivery.
    • Track availability of raw materials inventory in real time to facilitate restocking and keep production levels on target.   
    • Accurately track scrapped or reworked parts to identify areas for process improvement. 
    • Track finished products back to the original materials for quick and accurate recall of defective products. 

    These, among other capabilities, enable manufacturers to increase profitability and remain competitive in their industries by increasing efficiency, reducing waste, and allowing for accurate, real-time identification of defects and bottlenecks. 

    Barcode Reading Solutions for WIP Tracking

    barcode reader scans a code on a box
    Scan Received Goods and Raw Materials

    Track Inventory and Origin of Materials

    • A product's quality depends on the integrity of its parts, so tracking raw materials is critical. 
    • Scanning and tracking received goods and raw materials provides manufacturers with valuable data that can be used in case an issue is discovered during quality inspections or product recall.   
    • If a defect is identified with a particular part on a product, insight into the origin of the defective materials can help manufacturers isolate affected batches and prevent future defects. 
    • In addition to facilitating quality control and recalls, tracking incoming goods also enables better inventory management to ensure necessary parts are restocked in a timely manner.
    barcode reader scans a code on a cell phone component
    Track Components Throughout Production

    Improve Efficiency and Reduce Waste

    • Tracking individual components throughout product helps manufacturers improve efficiency, reduce waste, and achieve lean manufacturing goals. 
    • For example, manufacturers can easily determine which parts are scrapped most often and where the waste is occurring.  This allows manufacturers to identify solutions to reduce waste and analyze the success of those solutions over time. 
    • Scanning components and products at each stage of production also enables manufacturers to track the time between each stage to identify and reduce bottlenecks in production and facilitate staffing and resource allocation.  
    barcode reader scans a code on a cell phone component
    ABR 7000 barcode reader scans 1D and 2D codes on boxes
    Verify Shipments Prior to Delivery

    Ensure Accurate, Timely Order Fulfillment

    • Accurate and timely shipments are critical. Missed ship dates, incorrect, or incomplete orders can cause delays throughout the supply chain and decrease customer satisfaction.
    • Order, shipping, and tracking information is embedded in separate 1D and 2D barcodes printed every box in a shipment. This information must be verified before the boxes are loaded onto a pallet and the shipment leaves the facility.
    • Algorithms programmed into the barcode reader locate each barcode, extract the data, and verify that the barcodes match the criteria established during inspection setup. 
    • This information is then sent over an Ethernet connection to the management system which records the data.
    Featured Products

    ABR Series imager based barcode reader
    ABR Series

    Imager-Based 1D and 2D Barcode Reader

    ABR 7000 条码读取器的解码能力出色,提供多种分辨率和多种镜头选择。

    • abr 7000 条码读取器提供高级功能,包括延伸读取距离和视野、高级照明、各种焦距(包括自动对焦),并且能够将多个读取器串联起来。
    • 强大的解码功能,难以处理的一维和二维码(包括 DPM 和低对比度代码)也能读取
    • 使用板载按钮或安装了邦纳免费操作软件 - Barcode Manager 的电脑快速配置
    • 在一个套件中提供集成式 LED 照明和简单的焦点调整,充分发挥灵活性
    • 多种镜头选项,可用于简化设置和配置,包括由软件调整的自动对焦,轻松适应读取距离的变化。
    • 工厂通信选项包括以太网通信和串行通信,可在制造车间进行集成。
    • 嵌入式 Web 服务器接口,用于监控网络上的图像和统计信息
    iVu BCR Series

    Imager-Based 1D and 2D Barcode Reader

    iVu BCR 系列条码读取器将强大的解码能力和使用便捷的特点融于一体,能解决高难度的追溯性应用。这些多功能条码读取器提供各种各样的镜头、照明和用户界面选项。 

    • 读取广泛的一维和二维条码,包括损坏、变形和其他难以读取的条码
    • 能够在一次检测中读取任何方向的多个条码     
    • 使用集成的触摸屏、远程触摸屏或 PC 界面来设置、管理和监控检测
    • 以太网和串行通信协议简化设备集成,实现工业物联网数据采集
    • 坚固的 IP67 级外壳,是狭小空间和工业环境的理想选择
    • 众多的集成照明选项简化了安装,优化了对比度
    • 可更换镜头,包括各种标准选件和 C 型支架选件,能满足任何应用的需求


    iVu BCR imager-based barcode reader
    TCNM Series Imager Based Barcode Reader

    TCNM Series

    Laser-Based 1D Barcode Scanner


    • 读取十几种常用的线性条码符号
    • 每秒完成500到1000次扫描
    • 使用SMART-TEACH按钮和LED指示灯进行基本设置和诊断操作
    • 条码重组算法结合多次扫描,即可重建损坏的代码信息
    • GeniusPlus软件以及专有的内通信协议,在多个读码器设置中无需使用外部多路转换器
    • 外壳坚固,防护等级达到 IP65
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