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  • Automated Quality Control

    vision sensor inspects metal brackets

    Identify Issues Early and Save Costs

    Defects and errors in parts and components can negatively impact downstream processes, production efficiency, and product quality.

    Consistent, reliable inspection of parts and components can help manufacturers identify potential issues early on in the manufacturing process, minimizing costly lost product and production time.

    Banner’s expertise in a range of sensing technologies allows us to offer optimal quality control solutions for detecting defects, measuring components, monitoring tolerances, and verifying attributes.

    Automated Quality Control Challenges

    Q4X detects bottle caps to ensure they are right side up
    Challenging Targets and Environments

    Rugged, Reliable Sensors are Required

    Automated quality control applications often involve inspecting challenging targets, such a clear and reflective targets, extremely dark targets against a dark background, multicolored targets with many color transitions, and targets moving at high speeds. 

    Depending on the application, the smallest errors can become critical failures further down the line, making precise inspection a must. In some applications, quality control inspections occur in extremely harsh environments, where sensing technology can be exposed to dust and dirt, high pressure washdown, machine vibration, and more.

    Banner Engineering offers a range of rugged, reliable photoelectric, laser measurement, and vision sensors that improve your automated quality control processes--even in the most challenging applications.  Keep reading to learn more, or contact us to discuss your specific application. 

    Solutions for Automated Quality Control

    Q4X inspects dark targets on a dark background
    Quality Control for Challenging Targets

    Reliably Inspect Every Target

    Fast, reliable quality inspections are essential to ensuring consistent throughput without sacrificing quality.

    Thanks to advancements in laser measurement technology, sensors can now measure traditionally challenging targets (including clear, reflective, and low contrast targets).  For example, the Q4X laser measurement sensor reliably inspects extremely dark targets on aginast an equally dark background.   

    in addition, thanks to dual mode which measures both distance and light intensity, smart laser measurement sensors from Banner can reliably inspect both distance-based and contrast-based conditions with a single device, which saves inventory costs. 

    Furthermore, with IO-Link communication, users can track sensor performance, identify trends in inspection results, and even predict when maintenance is needed so that simple problems like a dirty lens can be fixed prior to sensor failure.

    LM sensor inspects IC chips seated in nests
    Precise Quality Control

    Maintain Tight Tolerances

    Quality control applications that require precise measurement can be some of the most challenging applications to solve. Very tight tolerance requirements demand a reliable solution that can measure parts in micrometers to detect the smallest variations in part size, thickness, orientation, placement, and more. Ensuring parts meet strict quality standards can help reduce problems downstream and reduce the risk of product recall due to imperfect parts.

    Laser measurement sensors are a common solution for precise part inspections. However, real world conditions—including variations in target color and reflectivity, fluctuations in ambient temperature, and vibration from improper mounting—can make precise measurement challenging, even for laser sensors that perform well in perfect laboratory conditions. 

    The LM Series precision measurement sensor from Banner Engineering offers best-in-class performance with superior stability, reliability, and precision for real world targets.

    LM sensor inspects IC chips seated in nests
    ivu color sensor detects the wrong color trim on a car door
    Error Proofing

    Prevent Errors at the Source

    Error proofing refers to preventing a process from resulting in defects by stopping mistakes at the source, rather than down the line.  Preventing mistakes at the source can significantly improve productivity by keeping mistakes from becoming bigger problems downstream.  

    In automated processes, error proofing solutions like sensors and vision systems can be used to ensure poblems are corrected before a process can proceed.  

    Meanwhile, in manual processes, such as bin picking, visual warnings clearly indicate  to operators when their actions are correct or incorrect using colored and/or animated lights. Light-guided assembly is an excellent example of using visual indication for error-proofing.

    Featured Products

    Q4X Sensor
    Q4X Series

    Laser Distance Sensor


    • 开关量,模拟量(0-10 V或4-20 mA),透明物体检测,可提供IO-Link型号
    • 可靠的检测范围,近至25毫米,远至610毫米
    • 根据距离检测各种各样的目标颜色、材质和表面
    • 双示教模式(强度+距离),是防错应用的理想选择,可实现透明物体检测,无需反射板
    • 坚固耐用的FDA级不锈钢外壳,防护等级达IP69K
    LM sensor
    LM Series

    Precision Measurement Sensor

    LM 系列精密测量传感器为用户带来了直观体验,设备尺寸紧凑,提供一流的性能和稳定性。

    • 分辨率为0.002-0.004 mm的精确测量
    • 快速0.5 ms响应速度和0.25 ms采样率
    • 紧凑的外壳设计适合狭小空间
    • 一流的热稳定性和机械稳定性 
    • IP67和316级不锈钢,具有化学兼容性
    • 可选远程传感器控制器显示(RSD),用于远程监视和设置
    • 在一个型号中支持离散量和模拟量输出,并通过IO-Link®支持工业4.0 / IIoT
    LM sensor
    iVu sensor

    iVu Series

    Vision Sensor

    iVu 和 iVu 彩色图像传感器用于监测零部件的类型、尺寸、方向、形状、位置、颜色或颜色变化。 

    • 一体化解决方案,包括相机、控制器、镜头和指示灯
    • 使用 Vision Manager PC 软件、板载触摸屏显示器或远程触摸屏在短短几分钟内即可配置完毕
    • 使用各种灰度或颜色工具进行多点检验
    • 紧凑、坚固的外壳,防护等级达 IP67,配备各种颜色的集成环形灯,其中包括红色、蓝色、绿色、白色、红外和紫外灯
    • 可互换镜头,包括 C 卡口,最大程度实现应用灵活性
    • 以太网/IP™、Modbus/TCP、PROFINET®、PCCC 和串行 RS-232
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